Thursday, April 5, 2007

Final Milling

Most of the re-modelling has been completed and last night we began to mill our final molds. The process has been divided into three parts, 1) testing several new pieces for fitting a structural capacity, 2) vacuum forming previously tested substrate panels to test vertical connections on our existing mockup, and 3) to begin milling some of our final molds that have already been tested for lighting, connections etc.
We have decided to do a fitting test with one complete "tube" segment, comprising of six separate parts, and attaching this to a yet untested iteration of the substrate panel. If everything goes together smoothly, the parts can be used for the final production, but if changes need to be made everything should be able to be tested using this mockup.
As I write we are in the process of milling, I'll post images as soon as the job is finished. Following are a few images of the milling files which have been set up.

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