Fall Lineup
Classes began last Friday. This quarter I am taking Advanced Topics Studio with Craig Hodgetts, Research Studio with Kivi Sotamaa, Computer Programming, a seminar titled "Soft Monstrosities" by Marcelyn Gow, as well as TA'ing for the Introduction to Computers class. I think the lineup this quarter is one of the strongest yet and will allow me to work between a variety of topics and mediums. The research studio and Soft Monstrosities are heavily interested in a contemporary discourse on affect in architecture, and will develop ideas through both written and graphical means. The studio will focus on implied movement in architecture, working with computer animation software, particle fields, generative scripting as well as physical studies of form and material.
The Advanced Topics Studio has developed in a very hands on manner. Our first project, a large scale light study model, is due this coming Friday. Hopefully this contrast between analog and digital approaches to design will prove productive and not frustrating.
Meanwhile, in the Computer Programming class, I will learning how to write parametric design programs. This quarter presents a very broad spectrum of work and I hope to be able to merge these approaches as the year progresses.